EURHISFIRM aims at designing a world-class research infrastructure to collect, merge, extract, collate, align and share detailed historical high-quality firm level data for Europe. To achieve this goal, it develops innovative tools and sparks the “Big data” revolution in historical social sciences.


The project

The EURHISFIRM project meets the need for such a benchmark research infrastructure in Europe. It will operate the most comprehensive long-run economic and financial database in the world. It will handle data on European companies such as accounting, funding and investment, stock exchange data, governance rules, directors, patents, location of headquarters. The creation of a vibrant European community will support the development of revolutionary RI technology, which in turn will enable a scientifically reproducible, technically sound and socio-legally robust evidence-base for the stakeholders. Not only policy makers and scholars will benefit from, but notably private companies: on the one hand, companies are major data users, the global spend for market data, an industry where US holds a quasi-monopoly, amounting to nearly 30 billion of dollars in 2015 (Burton and Taylor, 2016); on the other hand, the disruptive technologies developed within the RI will push further the technological frontier and bring major spin-offs to the European IT industry.

This project stems from the experience of the research group Eurhistock that brings together specialists in economic and financial history on a yearly basis since 2009. This group acknowledged both the incompleteness of the existing datasets, the fragmentation of the initiatives, and the heterogeneity of the data collection practices in Europe. This observation led some countries like France and Belgium to put in place coordinated initiatives to build long-run structured data with digital techniques at the technological frontier. Other countries in the consortium have started to collect data or are reflecting on the comparative issues of their datasets.

EURHISFIRM is a part of  Horizon 2020, the EU’s largest Research and Innovation initiative to date. For more information, please see

News & Events

CESSDA ERIC joins the EURHISFIRM project as 12th consortium member

CESSDA ERIC (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives – European Research Infrastructure Consortium) that provides large-scale, integrated and sustainable data services to the social sciences. It brings together social science data archives across Europe, with the aim of promoting the results of social science research and supporting national and international research and cooperation.   CESSDA …

EOSC Projects EXPO

16-19 November 2020 | ONLINE DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITORS: 6 November 2020, 12:00 CET   Break away from Zoom fatigue and experience virtual interaction in a new way! Connect with old acquaintances and meet new ones! Organised as part of the upcoming EOSC-hub, FREYA, SSHOC joint event Realising the European Open Science Cloud, the EOSC Projects EXPO is the first virtual …


  1. D2.1 Dissemination and communication plan (M2)
  2. D4.1 Information system and documentation standards (M3)
  3. D2.2 Website and project identity (M4)
  4. D8.1 Questionnaires and questions for semi-structured interviews (M5)
  5. D1.2.1 Data management plan (M6)
  6. D4.2 Report on the inventory of data and sources (M9)
  7. Report for the General Assembly (15-16 March, 2019)
  8. D4.3: Report on the semantics of data and sources
  9. D1.4: First yearly documentation and minutes of project meetings
  10. D1.7: Second Data Management Plan
  11. D4.4: Report on data and sources documentation and quality assessment
    11.1  EURHISFIRM data and sources 
  12. D4.5: Report on EURHISFIRM documentation standard
  13. M4.2: Scientific paper on data and sources
  14. D5.1: Technical document on national data models
  15. M1.2: Position paper (midterm)
  16. D1.5: Project midterm report
  17. M4.1: Report on the Protocol of Data Documentation
  18. M8.1: Concept for users’ preferences and recommendations
  19. D8.4: Synthesis report
  20. D6.1: Report on data matching issues and methodologies
  21. D5.2: Technical Document on Preliminary Common Data Model
  22. D1.12: Second yearly documentation and minutes of project meetings
  23. D3.1: Report on Intellectual Property Rights Design
  24. D1.8: Third Data Management Plan
  25. M6.1: Data Matching Case Study
  26. D6.2: Report on data connecting issues and methodologies
  27. M7.1: First version of the data extraction system
  28. D10.1: Preliminary report on business model and goernance assessment
  29. M6.2: Data Connecting Case Study
  30. M5.1: Scientific Paper on data models and their extensibility
  31. D11.1: Best Practices for the Preservation and Access to Digitized Material of Interest for European Cultural Heritage
  32. D5.5: Report on process  for extendable data models
  33. D3.2 Report on the Legal Issues Related to the Protection of Privacy and Personal Data
  34. MS6: Data Ownership and Ethics Protocol
  35. D5.4: Updated technical document on the preliminary data model
  36. M11.1: European cultural heritage valuing
  37. D1.9: Final Data Management Plan
  38. M9.2: Recommendations for technical requirement
  39. M1.3: Final position paper
  40. D1.13: Final yearly documentation and minutes of project meetings
  41. D1.11: Final yearly progress and strategy report to the General Assembly
  42. D1.14: Final report
  43. D2.4: Involvement of new stakeholders as participants to the General Assembly
  44. D2.5: Presentations of the project at events and conferences
  45. M7.2: Final version of the data extraction system