40th Conference of the Portuguese Economic and Social History Association

Economic and Social History: Past, Present and Future

Nova School of Business and Economics, Carcavelos Campus
20-21 November 2020


The Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History turns 40 and the date is a good motive to assess the evolution of this academic field and its prospects. Economic and Social History changed deeply between 1980 and 2020. Throughout this period, the discipline has progressively expanded its research interests beyond the old macro-narratives centred on economic growth or the concepts of social class or status. Although these topics continue to be well alive, the agenda of Economic and Social History has expanded to include new dimensions: institutions, education, inequality, firms, gender or ethnic groups. Thanks to this process, the discipline has established links with other academic disciplines or approaches, such as economics, sociology, anthropology, environmental studies or cultural history. Due to the open nature of the subject of this year’s conference, we invite all researchers in economic and social history to submit proposal for panels or individual papers on the topics they are currently developing, thus showcasing the thematic richness that defines this academic field today. As is usual in APHES’ conferences, proposal or panels on any historical period are accepted.

Paper proposals should include 4 keywords, an abstract (max. 500 words) indicating the topic, the aims, the theoretical approach and the empirical foundations; and a CV of 300-400 words. Panel proposals should include the same information for each participant and paper. They should include three papers and a chair for each proposed panel.



Deadline for submission of proposals: until 20 April 2020

Confirmation of accepted proposals: until 1 June 2020

Deadline for submission of full texts: until 21 September 2020

Proposals and full texts should be sent to: aphes40@gmail.com


Keynote speaker

Stephen Broadberry, Professor of Economic History at the University of Oxford



Grants for students

Grants that cover registration costs are available for students. More information at:


Deadline for applications: 6 October, 2020. To be sent to: aphes40@gmail.com


APHES Prize 2020

A prize will be awarded to the best paper of a young researcher presented at the Meeting. See the Regulation at:

https://www.aphes.pt/index.php/premio/premio-aphes/regulamento. Applications should equally be sent to:



Scientific Committee

Maria Eugénia Mata (Nova School of Business and Economics) – President

Álvaro Garrido (FEUC, Coimbra)

Inês Amorim (FLUP, Porto)

Joaquim da Costa Leite (DEGEI – UA, Aveiro)

Margarida Sobral Neto (FLUC, Coimbra)

Teresa Silva Lopes (University of York, UK)

Carlos Gabriel Guimarães (UFF – RJ, Brazil)

Helder Adegar Fonseca (DHUE, Évora)


Organising Committee

Luciano Amaral (Nova School of Business and Economics)

Graça Almeida Borges (CIDEHUS, U. Évora)

Álvaro Ferreira da Silva (Nova School of Business and Economics)


More information soon.

Call for Papers: Price Currents, Financial Information and Market Transparency

Workshop Amsterdam, 27 November 2020

What’s the relationship between changing price information flows and evolving market structures? Jointly organized by EURHISFIRM and NEHA, this workshop focuses on price currents and other types of public and private price information. What do such publications tell us about the markets they served, the stocks listed, the terms and conditions of trade, and the individual market’s degree of transparency? What do differences across Europe tell us about the character of national markets?

The workshop is intended as a preparation for a full session on these issues at the World Economic History Conference in Paris, 2021. Those interested to present are asked to send an abstract of no more than 250 words to joost.jonker@iisg.nl. Participants will have to provide their own funding for travel and accomodation.

Deadline for submitting proposals 1 June 2020

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