- D2.1 Dissemination and communication plan (M2)
- D4.1 Information system and documentation standards (M3)
- D2.2 Website and project identity (M4)
- D8.1 Questionnaires and questions for semi-structured interviews (M5)
- D1.2.1 Data management plan (M6)
- D4.2 Report on the inventory of data and sources (M9)
- Report for the General Assembly (15-16 March, 2019)
- D4.3: Report on the semantics of data and sources
- D1.4: First yearly documentation and minutes of project meetings
- D1.7: Second Data Management Plan
- D4.4: Report on data and sources documentation and quality assessment
11.1 EURHISFIRM data and sources - D4.5: Report on EURHISFIRM documentation standard
- M4.2: Scientific paper on data and sources
- D5.1: Technical document on national data models
- M1.2: Position paper (midterm)
- D1.5: Project midterm report
- M4.1: Report on the Protocol of Data Documentation
- M8.1: Concept for users’ preferences and recommendations
- D8.4: Synthesis report
- D6.1: Report on data matching issues and methodologies
- D5.2: Technical Document on Preliminary Common Data Model
- D1.12: Second yearly documentation and minutes of project meetings
- D3.1: Report on Intellectual Property Rights Design
- D1.8: Third Data Management Plan
- M6.1: Data Matching Case Study
- D6.2: Report on data connecting issues and methodologies
- M7.1: First version of the data extraction system
- D10.1: Preliminary report on business model and goernance assessment
- M6.2: Data Connecting Case Study
- M5.1: Scientific Paper on data models and their extensibility
- D11.1: Best Practices for the Preservation and Access to Digitized Material of Interest for European Cultural Heritage
- D5.5: Report on process for extendable data models
- D3.2 Report on the Legal Issues Related to the Protection of Privacy and Personal Data
- MS6: Data Ownership and Ethics Protocol
- D5.4: Updated technical document on the preliminary data model
- M11.1: European cultural heritage valuing
- D1.9: Final Data Management Plan
- M9.2: Recommendations for technical requirement
- M1.3: Final position paper
- D1.13: Final yearly documentation and minutes of project meetings
- D1.11: Final yearly progress and strategy report to the General Assembly
- D1.14: Final report
- D2.4: Involvement of new stakeholders as participants to the General Assembly
- D2.5: Presentations of the project at events and conferences
- M7.2: Final version of the data extraction system